What happens when we don’t help others? What happens when we play small in our world and we don’t do those things that we are able to do? What ripple effect does that have?

I attended a funeral tea today for my sister-in-law’s Father who passed away last week. They live in Delburne which is a village (no, not the smurf’s village) half an hour east of Red Deer. As more and more people arrived and the hall filled up, I think pretty much the whole village showed up to support my sister-in-law’s family and pay their respects to her Dad. It was very nice to see and reminded me of the fact that each and every one of us makes an impact in the world. Even if our world is a village (too small even to be considered a town). One of my favorite movies is “It’s a Wonderful Life”. It’s because watching it reminds me of this very thing. Every single person in our circle we have an effect on. This man obviously had and it showed today. I hope he knew in life how he made people feel. I heard someone say ‘He was grumpy sometimes but he was a good guy’, LOL.

When I arrived at the hall – ahead of the scheduled start time – anticipating giving them a hand to get things ready, there were ladies already there taking care of putting out the food. My sister-in-law didn’t have to do anything in that way today. These women took time from their own lives to be of service and do these things. It was not that it was hard to do but they were able to make my sister-in-law’s day a little easier. It’s worth a lot! The effect from their service today was that it allowed the family to connect with those who came to give hugs and condolences and allowed them the freedom from the need to do busy work. For that, we are grateful.

It’s not only the small things we can do for others but also our work that we perform every day. By doing the best we can – always – we help others. By working to master what it is we do, we live a life of purpose. What ripple effect can you make in your world?

Love & Happiness,
